Bobby Ridwell
2 min readFeb 14, 2021


Two albums for today-

Definitely Maybe- Oasis

The first track, even just its name really nails and sets the vibe doesn’t it? “Rock ’n’ Roll Star”. And then “Live Forever”, “Supersonic”, “Cigarettes And Alcohol”. If you can’t tell just by the song titles then this album is about having a really good fucking time. The fury and thunder of the drums and guitar with Liam Gallagher’s snarling voice are an elixir- this is a landmark of energy, youthfulness, and brash exuberance. This has been my go to album lately for working out. It’s impossible to hear Supersonic or Bring It On Down (personal favorite) and subsequently not feel capable of running through a brick wall. Every track on this album just flat fucking out rips!

Definitely Maybe

Rome- Daniele Luppi & Danger Mouse

If you are like me right now in the arctic Chicago weather and constantly perusing for the perfect, moody, brooding, musical accompaniment- you cannot do much better than Rome. This album conjures a cinematic, sweeping, expression of pure blue narrative. Norah Jones’ unimpeachable pipes and ethos plus Jack White’s jaded, dramatic presence cannot be topped here and make a truly unique mood. This is; trenchcoat and fedora clad Philip Marlowe staring out into a driving rain storm bitterly from a dilapidated office, Don Draper pensively and gloomily staring out the Sterling Cooper windows, all the sultry, sexy, style, substance of a James Bond title sequence, and expected betrayal and heartbreak found in a classic film noir. Highlights include “The Rose with the Broken Neck”,“Season’s Trees”, “Two Against One” Best enjoyed with a drink in hand, gazing uncertainly out in ugly weather.


